What type of character are you?? WINGS OF FIRE

this quiz is based off of the book that me and my friend are writing. the results are the characters and in my opinion Lilypad is the best ~~~~~~~~~~~

please answer the questions honestly so you can get a good result in the end. have a good time trying to read the questions with bad spelling Grammar or other.

Created by: Menchie Freckles
  1. are you a girl or boy?
  2. how do you treat your siblings
  3. what color would you prefer to be?
  4. what type of pet would you have
  5. true or false
  6. what is your favorite animal?
  7. are you boy crazy or girl crazy?
  8. do you get angrey quickly?
  9. which sound most appealing?
  10. do you consider yourself a meany pants?

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Quiz topic: What type of character am I?? WINGS OF FIRE
