What Type Of Bug Are You

There are many bugs out there all shapes, colours and sizes. Do you think you are bug, well, take this test it is so cool and is full of lots and lots of FUN.

Are YOU a bug, Do you have the coolness, The colour and the abilities. Thanks to this quiz you can find out. THIS IS FOR ANY AGE! This is a test an awesome test

Created by: Jenna and Skylar

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your hair colour
  2. 3 words to describe you
  3. How many people do you have in your family
  4. Fav. colour
  5. what does the first letter of your name start with
  6. On your free time what do you like doing
  7. What do you like most about nature
  8. What do you hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. What is your favourite subject in school
  10. Favourite snack
  11. Did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Bug am I