what type of animal are you?

there are 5 animal kingdoms, fish, mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. which one are YOU most like? take this quiz and find out!

what kingdom are you? your personality has a big role in your result. oh by the way I GOT THIS INFO FROM THE INTERNET I am not some science nerd lol. when you're done please rate and comment :)

Created by: yeahbuddy
  1. first of all let me get something straight: THIS INFORMATION CAME FROM THE INTERNET, I AM NOT A SCIENCE NERD! k?
  2. would you rather be a human or animal?
  3. would you like to live in water, on land, or both?
  4. would you like to be warm blooded or cold blooded? (cold blooded animals have the same body temperature as surroundings, warm bloodeds stay the same)
  5. are you more protective and vicious or more weak and helpless?
  6. do you want to be big or small?
  7. cold or warm climate?
  8. do you want to be feared or loved?
  9. do you want to live more in the outside world or wilderness?
  10. rate and comment?

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Quiz topic: What type of animal am I?