What type of animal are you?

What animal are you? Some may wonder if they are a koala, but in reality, they're a elephant! Come and take this awesome quiz! Please comment! I really want to know what YOU think!

Come on! What are you waiting for! Go! I said go! Did you even hear me?! You should clean out your ear! It's full of earwax! Just hurry up! I want you to comment already!

Created by: Maisie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you nice, strong or just simply, "normal"?
  2. If you can be a movie star, In what movie?
  3. Are you weird?
  4. Are you sportif or lazy?
  5. If the most popular boy asks you out, will you say yes or no?
  6. Are you happy most of the time
  7. Gee whiz! Are you a nerd or a crazy?
  8. Book or electronics?
  9. Do you like this test?
  10. How would you rate the test?

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Quiz topic: What type of animal am I?