What type of anarchist are you?

This is a quiz to determine what type of anarchist you are. Even if you are not an anarchist, the test will evaluate what your position is closest too.

All anarchists believe in the abolition (destruction) of the government. However, they all have different values and methods of how to do that. This test will show, based on your values and opinions, what theory best fits you.

Created by: Nate
  1. What is more important?
  2. What value is most important to society?
  3. Which is theft (if you believe in multiple or none, choose your strongest opinion)?
  4. Which would be most efficient in creating anarchy?
  5. Who should posses the means of production (resources or facilities required to produce goods)?
  6. Who should have power in a society without government?
  7. What is the goal of anarchism to you?
  8. Is the free market a good idea?
  9. What is most dangerous to society?
  10. Do you believe that the cost of products should be based on the work needed to produce them?

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Quiz topic: What type of anarchist am I?