What type of a person are you?

There are a lot of cool and geeky people are you one of them or you are just a normal guy with normal life which is not boring, take this quiz and finish it to know

Take this quiz if you are awesome and want to know what type you are you can be geeky normal or mr.cool dude This quiz doesn't mean you aren't a good social person if you get geeky

Created by: bashar345
  1. What do you do in your spare time?
  2. What Weapon would you like?
  3. What's your favorite class?
  4. Your friend is crying you...
  5. You found A wallet full of money you...
  6. What would you eat?
  7. What is impossible From these options:
  8. You like this quiz?
  10. ARE YOU READY???

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Quiz topic: What type of a person am I?