What Type is Your Match (Girls Only)

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The feeling of love comes to everybody sooner or later. Some people start thinking about it since young age, and others when that feeling hits them. And if you're taking this quiz, you might be any of that type, or both of them mixed together!

This quiz helps you determine what match fits you more. But don't take this quiz super seriously. This only shows the start of your path, but the destination will be so great that I can't describe it. Enjoy!

Created by: Julia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your high school stereotype?
  2. What do you do in your spare time?
  3. Are you a romantic?
  4. What is your dream house?
  5. What is your spirit animal
  6. What is your fave hairstyle?
  7. Are you emotional?
  8. What is your dream boyfriend?
  9. What is your most used text?
  10. What are your parents like?

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Quiz topic: What Type is my Match (Girls Only)