What two syllable word and number are you?

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This is a completely useless quiz. You will get nothing out of it. It tells you nothing. It tells you absolutely nothing. You're gonna take it anyway.

Be prepared to get angry at your answer. Or not. You could always name your firstborn child after your answer. You could build a shrine to your answer and worship it. Either way is fine

Created by: satan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What does your name start with?
  2. Do you have a nickname?
  3. What's coolest?
  4. Northern hemisphere or southern?
  5. Do you live in an English-speaking country?
  6. Do you watch more movies or TV shows?
  7. Pick a ball sport
  8. Which website do you spend the most time on?
  9. You get to take home one of these. Which one?
  10. Which emoji do you use the most out of these?

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Quiz topic: What two syllable word and number am I?