What Twilight character are you?

This is a fun quiz to discover who your favorite Twilight character is. It could be Edward, Jacob, or Bella. This also helps you find your traits. I hope you enjoy the quiz.

I also recommend the movies and books of Twilight where a human called Bella becomes a vampire by her husband Edward who is a mind reading vampire. Unlike other vampires the Cullens only drink animal blood.

Created by: Redford Bates
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What is your favorite animal.
  3. What power would you want ?
  4. What is your favorite book?
  5. Who is your favorite character?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. What is your favorite house?
  8. What is your best trait?
  9. What is your favorite object?
  10. What is the first letter of your name?

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Quiz topic: What Twilight character am I?
