What TV Show Are You?

I love TV but which show am I? Well with this quiz you can know. There are four choices. Now you think i'm going to tell you what the choices are. Well surprise I'm not going to. HA! You'll have to take this quiz to find out!

I haven't told you what four answers there are. Can you guess by the questions? What character are you? Well, thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minuets you will find out!

Created by: Emmett
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do You Like To Cook?
  2. Do You Like To Eat?
  3. Do You Like To Play Video Games?
  4. Are You a Workaholic?
  5. Do You Read Mysteries?
  6. Are You A Funny Person?
  7. Are You Adventurous?
  8. Are You Cool?
  9. Do You Like Grilled Cheese? (DO NOT SKIP VERY IMPORTANT!!)
  10. Do You Watch Cartoon Network

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Quiz topic: What TV Show am I?