What TV Channel Fits You The Best?

You think you know what channel fits you the best? Think again and try my quiz

What Channel is best for you? Try this quiz and it will help you!

Created by: Faith
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you enjoy laughing at another people fail?
  2. Do you like learning about new things?
  3. Someone is trying to skate board and you see them fail do you laugh?
  4. Your friend comes up to you and says, "You want to come over my house and study my plant?" Would you say yes?
  5. You turn your TV on and see there is nothing on that you like but Criminal Minds. Do you turn it on?
  6. Your friend comes up to you and says "Do you still watch Sponge Bob?" Would you say yes?
  7. Do you like to be caught up on today's events?
  8. If a friend invites you to church, would you say yes?
  9. Are you into mystery stuff?
  10. Are you into science?

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