what trio member are you? bbh, skep, or a6d.

hello so in todays video... ok that is skeppys intro, not mine my intro is hello. idc what yall answer but please enteranswers if can im noob so don't know what to say or do

I play roblox and little Minecraft, don't lecture me for it. you don't have to finich this. imma key board smash rn aosdfkahsdfkhafhsadhfijwhdidfhaisdhf QUIT GAME!!!!!!!

Created by: NONYA
  1. do you have a crib?
  2. do you speak another language?
  3. od you have god soelling?
  4. do you troll people?
  5. are you the youngest in the friend group?
  6. what is hypixel?????
  7. is Minecraft better than roblox?
  8. who is better?
  9. are you easily annoyed by friends?
  10. do you rage at people asking you repeadiatly to answer a question you already answered?
  11. are an emotional person?

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Quiz topic: What trio member am I? bbh, skep, or a6d.
