What Tipe Of Unicorn Are You?

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Frist off, thank you so super much for clicking on this quiz. And next, this quiz is about you unicorn. Well what unicorn are you really? And I bet we've all wondered. Well maybe when you were younger, but I bet you still have a bit of that in you.

I am hoping to get this to 40 people who took it by November 7th which is when my poll ends. So go check that out plz. And I thank you so much for getting my sisters quiz to the Top 5 personality! Her name is EMILYTHEELEPHANT, please go check her out! Hope you like it/love it/eat it!

Created by: ChloeTheCat
  1. Quizzesmusthavebetween10and60questions.Gotit!Do you ever rise your hand in class?
  2. What is your favorite book out of the following?
  3. When is your bed time?
  4. How old are you?
  5. Am I a nut in your case?
  6. What side do you sleep on?
  7. Do you like unicorns?
  8. Do you believe in unicorns?
  9. Do you think you are shy?
  10. How many friends do you have?

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Quiz topic: What Tipe Of Unicorn am I?

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