What Type Of Dancer Are You?

There are many type of dancers out there so a lot of people take this quiz to find out which type of dancer. If you are a dancer than don't take this quiz just kiddding ha ha ha!!

ARE you a true dancer? Do you want to know which one? Do you like dancing? So take this wonderful quiz! Please take this quiz. Then rate it to se how you like it this is for your own good!!!

Created by: danceer101
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you where to school?
  2. What music do you listen to?
  3. Do you have an ipod?
  4. What type of dancing do you hate?
  5. Do you like dancing?
  6. What type of dancing do you like?
  7. Have you danced before?
  8. Are you a teacher of dance?
  9. Do you like dancing?
  10. What studio do you go to?

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Dancer am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Dance Quiz category.