what time is it in florida?

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to calculate the current time in florida through centrigraphical symmetry arch is no simple task. this is a very serious advanced and scientifically precise 100% accurate alghorhytm to calculating this remainder - it makes no sense! you will be surprised at the level of apparition dead aproximity, in the results. please choose carefully and see how smart you are ... can you actually reach the solution to this nonsense?

non sense -> nonsense. i won't give you any clues more. can you solve this arythmethic problem? a state of the art scientific beilinghern's curve prediction.

Created by: AngryCat Labs, co.
  1. could i possibly make a mistake if i time my bicycle ride?
  2. is it illegal to ride a brick instead of a wheel?
  3. if i die, would you come and visit me sometimes in the hospital?
  4. peter is mowing the lawn, if a car on tbe highway is travelling at speed of 90 miles/h how much gas would peter need to reach new zealand?
  5. how do you like the quiz? ready for some harder questions?
  6. here comes a harder question... can you see the solution to the maze on the picture above?
  7. pay attention to the solution from the question 16 and write the answer here.
  8. here is the hardest question yet: how much?
  9. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9
  10. Type another question in the box below.

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