What ThunderClan Warrior Cat Am I?

Select the options to find your destined warrior cat! These are just ThunderClan cats so be sure to check out What SkyClan cat am I?, What ShadowClan cat am I?, What WindClan cat am I?, and what RiverClan cat am I?

Remember to line this quiz and check out the other quizzes (already listed) and keep on doing Warriors thing it has 5-6 series. And please. Enjoy the quiz!!!

Created by: ItsyoGurlKate;D
  1. What cat do you like best out of these.
  2. What best describes you?
  3. What cat would you like to be?
  4. Who is most evil?
  5. Do you think you will get the one you wanted to?
  6. What would your pet be?
  7. If you were to BE any animal what would you choose?
  8. What is your favorite color out of these options
  9. What is the best clan?
  10. How would you rate this quiz?

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