what the bad guys character are you?

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lets see which character from the bad guys you are! are you the baddest of the bad? lets see! you might be bad, or good! plz play if you like the bad guys book or movie!

based of the book, the bad guys is about an animal gang that are, bad! they go good! with a pretty deceiving villain that pretends he's good! do my quiz now plz!

Created by: Fariborz Esapour
  1. do you like push-pops?
  2. have you read the book of the same name?
  3. do you share?
  4. are you crazy?
  5. are you good?
  6. vroom vroom
  7. are you a furry?
  8. is tarantula a...
  9. what does mr.piranha call mr.wolf?
  10. professor marmalade is a good guy
  11. what is the name of the cat mr.wolf saves from a tree?

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Quiz topic: What the bad guys character am I?
