what the are you?!?!?

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wat wat the it the what the i the i ummm akshually you are the it am i repeating myself ok this stupid site wants me to type stuff sooo eah i just wante

jojo's rebirth is a sincee apology to the hamser that was slauhgtered in manhattan because of feddiredie's sactions.......... meth wss used int hiS!!! just kid!!!

Created by: cool dude (pro chad)
  1. are you umm uhh umm u mmmmmm
  2. the rule of the thirty-four
  3. i love america
  4. syaori...
  6. finale; thte?????
  7. qare you ufkcing kidding me gotoquiz
  8. uh um uh umuh uh uhum uhuuu um
  9. 9
  10. the rebith

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Quiz topic: What the am I?!?!?

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