What teen titans character are you

Welcome to my quiz do you like no do you love the teen titans then take this quiz to find out what character of the you are take and enjoy brah brother

Please i beg of you take my quiz the last quizes didnt go so well so please take this one i beg of you thank you and good luck thank you and good luckt

Created by: Maximus

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Personality traits
  2. Best colour
  3. Robin vs beast boy fight who would win
  4. Raven vs star fire fight
  5. Cyborg vs robin
  6. Raven vs beast boy who would win
  7. Who do you think is the best teen titan
  8. What is your best movie (no effect)
  9. What would be your powers
  10. Bye my name is maximus

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Quiz topic: What teen titans character am I