What sword are you?

I felt like making a quiz out of boredom. It's actually quite funny, I've got three outcomes that you could find funny or insulting depending on who you are. My outcomes are not all good because i'm no good with this stuff, but for the fun of it eh?

Now then, What sword are YOU? take the quiz, you know you want too..It's random and partly stupid, but I think I clicked the answears right to where you can get different outcomes, yay. Hope you like the quiz, I tryed, So have fun, and cheerio.

Created by: Felix

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a small child getting his lunch monies stolen! (Oh noes!) What shall you do?
  2. Are you a cookie?
  3. What sword do you like most? (Finnally a serious question)
  4. *Yawns* Which final fantasy swordsman do you like most?
  5. Which Final fantasy game do you like most?
  6. If you had to fight using the choice of the weapons below, which would you choose?
  7. Why would you choose that weapon?
  8. Last question, did you enjoy this quizes randomness?
  9. Nevermind..I need ten custom questions..not ten questions..Um..What made you take my quiz?
  10. Do you like invader Zim?

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Quiz topic: What sword am I?