What supernatural creature are you?

Some of us may think this world can be VERY supernatural! maybe at times u havbe seen a ghost, or a face in the moon. BUT it all comes down to this. what magnificent creature are YOU??? x

Are YOU Brave enough to take on the hardest challenge ever online?? Well now you can all you need to do is answer some questions and you will see how great ur fate can be!... cc

Created by: Nicole Guimaraes
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see someone fall, brake their leg, and is EXTREMELY weak. What do you do?
  2. You 2 men fighting on the street. what do you do??
  3. Wheres your dream place to live?
  4. What letter do you like most??
  5. Whats your favourite colour?
  6. What movie do you like most?
  7. What color do u WISH your eyes were??
  8. SOOOOO??... Like this quiz?? I(wont count on result)
  9. Ok this is finished wanna hear ur results??
  10. hehe... U sure ur ready??
  11. POSITIVE!?

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Quiz topic: What supernatural creature am I?