What Supernatural character are you?

I hope you enjoy this quiz and you are happy with the character you are! And to bad if you didn't get the character that you wanted to be, but still don't be picky!

If you are not the character that you wanted to be, it's ok! You can still enjoy the character that you got! Every character has it's use! Also I hope you are happy!

Created by: Blu
  1. Angel or demon?
  2. Angel blade or demon blade?
  3. What would you kill?
  4. Pick a color!
  5. What's your favorite season?
  6. Are you a girl or boy?
  7. Who is Rowena?
  8. Do you have pets?
  9. Who likes Dean?
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Supernatural character am I?
