What super do I have?

Hello! Kanaya Here! Have you always wondered what super power you have? Well take this quiz and find out! Super strength, Invisibility, Time control, etc...

Take this totally awesome and also ACCURATE quiz! If you're wondering what super power you have, or you're just board, take this quiz and have fun!!

Created by: Kanaya

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Favourite animal out of the fallowing:
  3. Favourite taste out of the fallowing:
  4. What is your eye colour?
  5. How many pets do you have?
  6. Do you lie?
  7. If everything in this world was only one colour, what colour (out of the fallowing) would you choose?
  8. If everything in this world was only one colour, what colour (out of the fallowing) would you choose?
  9. Favourite feature to a play structure:
  10. As an additional facial feature that normal humans don't have, I want:
  11. If you could shape shift into ONE non-living piece of nature to blend in, which of these would you pick?
  12. If you were being raised by an animal, which animal would you choose?

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