what sub are you?

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test to see what sub u are i have to type more so now you should go and join my discord server the link is: discord.gg/9M8vztypJs and uhh yeah thx. (u are cool if you join)

lmao good sub i like it you should really follow me on tt @imdonutz so anyways how is your day you cant respond to me so ill assume it was bad anyways thats all i need to type in order to publish this

Created by: Donutz
  1. what bread do u like?
  2. what meat on your sub
  3. what cheese on your sub
  4. what veggie
  5. what extra topping
  6. how long? 😳
  7. what sauce
  8. what burger
  9. but can he beat goku
  10. where u live

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Quiz topic: What sub am I?

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