What style are you?

There are many many different people some who are popular like the populars. They find a way to stay on top so every one knows them. Weather it being good at everything or only some.

Are you a popular??? Do you have what it takes to always come out on top? Are you a true popular? You will find out in a few minutes! if you answer correctly it might be true. Who knows!

Created by: Ella Blu
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is you favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite princess?
  3. what is your hobby?
  4. You are walking down an ally way you see someone you do not know she is crying what do you do?
  5. Do you like volenteer?
  6. On friday night you...
  7. If you are some where like a party you prefer to...
  8. On free time you ...
  9. what is you favorite animal?
  10. you like

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Quiz topic: What style am I?