What StormTrooper Class Are You?

What Storm Trooper will you be? Okay or sith... LOL so It might suck I am a new maker :-( DONT BE MEAN TO ME! I AM VERY TIRED LOL :( I have no idea what I am doing

What Storm Trooper will you be? Okay or sith... LOL so It might suck I am a new maker :-( DONT BE MEAN TO ME! I AM VERY TIRED LOL :( I have no idea what I am doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: starwars
  1. Your Fleet Is Attacked! What Do You Do!?
  2. Your Ambushed with very few men! What do you do?
  3. You are shot what do you do?
  4. Do you like this quiz?
  5. Your out of ammo what do you do?
  6. Are you bored?
  7. You are in combat and you see TK-5344 Die (Your Best Friend) What do you do?
  8. Your ship is in flames and you see a trooper in pain under derbies. What do ya do?
  9. (What Storm-Trooper armor will be in SWBF3?)
  10. You are trapped and you see a trooper and he draws his blaster, WHAT DO YA DO!

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