What Steely Dan Song were the comments posted on?

Steely Dan is has have a problem wnaand this problem is ni the youtube comment sections which are full of old people and le wrong generation types who love to post

Can you manage to guess what the correct song each of these youtube comments was posted on? This is a mix of well known songs and songs that are H I D D E N G E M S

Created by: Dan
  1. "and your parents were gone . And you wre really smoking upstais WEED . but that was just a day .never whent to an ivy leauge sch . Community College . Still got Guadalhaed .I cant spel for s""I am teaching my 5 year old grand daughter to play the piano. There is a reason why all of the SD songs are difficult to expert level to play. Yet all of the Taylor Swift songs are beginner to easy."
  2. "My all time fav Steely Dan song...wow, what memories, for I remember when won the Grammy for album of the year for "Asia". (Which this song is from). Wow, I am getting old!""m 66 sand still rleeax to Steely Dan when i need a lift"
  3. "When I was young girl with curly afro this was the Jam and now I'm grown woman with a curly afro Jammin 2019.""All i Can Say is steely dan sounds are sheer genius even bigger than the beatles the Smiths the kinks the sex pistols the clash or joy division"
  4. "that dancing crying and laughing entertaining clown will make you laugh and cry too at the same time. but watch it buddy. once the music finished, once that dancing clown stopped dancing and once you hear the sound of the gong, you will scream and shout so loudly, he will break a glass window.""Hal's bar and grille on whfs in Bethesda md. mid 70's"
  6. "Man, it is a good comment..when you get my age, so meaningful. Cant believe I have lost so many friends that were really close and meant so much to my growing up. I dont understand why I'm the lucky one of a few that made it this far in life, not deserving.""Wow, I was a Mormon missionary when I heard this. Never been the same since."
  7. "To bad no one mention the students that were killed at Kent State.""I hear what you are saying but actually alcohol is a far more dangerous drug than pot is. No one has ever died from cirrhosis of the liver from smoking too much pot. Millions of people have died from the effects of alcohol abuse but pot, which has caused far fewer direct deaths, ends up being the stigmatized substance.""I'm The King of all the Melons, in the known & ever expanding universe. Eat not my Melon subjects, lest evil befall ye, for I am a God you know & I can Fart with the force of an Atom Bomb(:) Burp"
  8. "Comma misusage?!What? Where? Who?Commas as parentheses, surely.I'm not the grammatical-psychopath who's got a posessive apostrophe in the middle of '1940s'.Anyway, tell Dave he can come and get his stupid Monopoly board but tell him I'm keeping the hotel and two houses on Mayfair because it's the Olympics here soon and I'm cashing in big time.And if Bacharach is still going on about his Kerplunk set then, as I've told him ten times already, it was bloody Daltrey who sat on it, not me.""you may tag me in this video - I wrote this song and played every instrument - and yes - you may use it"
  9. "This is "Johning" and a litany of sundown deeds put to acceptable wordsmithry by a master.that rhythm keeps drilling a dadaist groove with tommy + the LAX on what seems to be a percursor of the HOUSE / DUB culture ... you dig it? 'dan is an art band that's probably put some of the lasting marks on intelligent melodic contemporary music ... just like bacharach unleashed the art of chord changes back in the day.""I'm Stuck in this past few days SMOOTH๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽธ๐ŸŽธ๐ŸŽธ๐ŸŽง๐ŸŒฟ Doobie fired...toke๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ˜‹"
  10. "This reminds mi of a job one of my friends had. Cleaning Gila monster nails off of grape crush, and feeling nauseated and smelling vomit on orange juice bottles. Staph infection in music videos was the other one I got. Two bite marks on the side of LA guns from my two age spots on my Clipper hand""What I would give to see my kids on stage with one mic, the three of my lil kids singing next to Steely Dan; my father 19 years old at the 68 Chicago Grant Park fun with Chicago finest(cops)...and gave me my rebellious streak from his records(45โ€™s & regโ€™s)!! Iโ€™ve done the same to my kids by digital means...not to many kids under 10 have been exposed to music prior to 1970 & all the way through to now! It did me well. I pray it opens their souls the way it did mine!!! Thatโ€™s a pic of my oldest daughter - now 13 but been singing this song for years with her younger brothers! Iโ€™m 45 and I love this song every time I hear it like it was the first time. Iโ€™m 45...so Iโ€™ve got a lot of loves in music, this song is still top 10 maybe even top 5 of all time!๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ (Video is top 3....what an AMAZING collection of love & loss over our lifetimes)๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿป๐Ÿค™๐Ÿป๐Ÿค™๐Ÿป๐Ÿค™๐Ÿป"
  11. "I love Michael Fagan!!!!!๐Ÿ’‹""What happened was.. I was listening to prog rock ..yes, camel, focus, genesis. I loved the Who thought about the Stones and Hawkwind and admired Queen and then I found Steely Dan and the mould was set...Jazz funk cool addiction west coast laid back sounds...and the rest is history and I grew up and I was blessed with the good taste others never found.The future was musical chocolate. The past had been hard boiled sweets"
  12. "Very deep song. It has a s---load of meaning""hey um, my dad doesnโ€™t want me listening to this โ€œsatanicโ€ music about mariyuwana, heโ€™s making me ask you to remove this please (please donโ€™t remove the video I want to continue listening to this) but please remove this video or my dad will email you personally."
  13. ".

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