What star wars character are you?

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This quiz will tell you which character out of the most popular ones in the popular Star Wars saga (best movies ever!) and I really spent a lot of time on this quiz so I hope you enjoy it

Yes, there are very weird questions but trust me they do lead to the answer pretty much they’re weird because they were created by a weird person but you know Star Wars aliens weird all goes together enjoy the quiz

Created by: Mira99
  1. What’s your fav color
  2. What color would your lightsaber be
  3. Dark side or light side
  4. Do you like spaghetti
  5. Are you a boy or a girl
  6. How old are you
  7. What’s your fav planet
  8. How many friends do you have
  9. What would you say if somebody came up to you and said annskdnacduowhsvbdmsoao
  10. How do you dress

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Quiz topic: What star wars character am I?
