What StarTek character are you?

I love StarTrek, do you? Wouldn't It be fun to see who you'd be if you where a member of the Enterprize? This quiz will help you find that out,but tell the trueth or the answer might not be who you really would be.

You watch the show, you have the posters, but this is a great way to show others what a fan you are. You still have a little time before the next epiode comes on.

Created by: ~Animal Lover~ of howrse
(your link here more info)
  1. You are flying through space and come upon a ship. It appears to have been damaged and their could still be crew aboard,but a storm is coming toward the wrecked ship and there is very little time before it reaches yours and the other ship. You?
  2. There's a friend on a nearby planet that you haven't seen in a while,but your on assignment. You?
  3. You are visiting a new planet. There are some people no one knows about on there, you?
  4. You find a time portal and have a chance to go back or forward for a day, you?
  5. Your friends on the ship are coming to your quarters for dinner. What do you do?
  6. You have been offered a higher position ,but that would mean leaving the enterprize...you?
  7. Your dream would be...?
  8. You get the news someone close has died, what do you do?
  9. Your favorite color is?
  10. There's a person on the ship that could be your true love...

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Quiz topic: What StarTek character am I?