what starbucks drink are u? | Comments

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  • what starbucks drink are u?
    Your Result: Passion Tea Lemonade 78%

    You are Passionate about what you do and have some tang to you. you are fun and live in the moment. You care about your friends and family

    65% Java Chip Frappachino
    58% Caramel Frappuchino
    56% Vanilla Bean Frappachino
    46% Cool Lime Refresher
    43% Iced Coffee
    29% Black Coffee
    25% Pumpkin Spice Latte
    Perfect result

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  • Passion tea lemonade,I am a dream follower and achiever I don't go down without a good fight and like to be adventurous and happy in my life the best that I can. Cool quiz mate.

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