What Star Wars villain are you? By PawPrint101

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Have you ever wanted to be a Star Wars villain? Or at least know which on you are? Well now you can! With just a few clicks you'll find out whether you're scary Darth Maul, awesome Darth Vader, mean Darth Sidious, not so cool Count Dooku, or totally kick butt Ventress!

You results a couple clicks away! I triple dog dare you to take it. Or should I say, triple sith dare you to take it! Go ahead! With my quiz you'll finally find out what villain you are! But enough talk, TAKE THE QUIZ ALREADY YOU SLOWPOKE!

Created by: PawPrint101
  1. A guy walks up to you and says he accidentally blew up the Death Star. What to you do?
  2. You're most famous line is?
  3. Why did you go to the dark side?
  4. What movie would you be in?
  5. Some cop pulls you over for speeding, what do you do?
  6. Some little green guy named Yoda calls you. How do you answer the phone?
  7. I want to die. What do you reply back?
  8. What's your hobby?
  9. You have what kind if saber?
  10. Last question. Someone lies to you. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: What Star Wars villain am I? By PawPrint101