What stage of fat am I?

Learn about what type of weight catagory you’re in. This test shows funny scenarios where you may find yourself if you were one of these people. Enjoy!

It conveys the story of girls either ring skinny, chubby, fat, obese, morbidly obese or immobile slob. Based on the choices you make these will show up.

Created by: Louis
  1. Do you think your fat?
  2. What is a sign for hunger?
  3. How big is your belly?
  4. How many times do you rely on people to do things for you?
  5. Can you go to the bathroom on your own?
  6. Can you clean yourself?
  7. You drank and ate some waste inducing food and you need to piss and s---. What do you do?
  8. You’re at a family meet-up and you feel a burp/fart brewing. What do you do?
  9. What’s tour daily routine of eating?
  10. You have a buttoned shirt on, eat and see what happened
  11. There’s humongous feast infront of you and it’s for a family of 8. What do you do?
  12. You’re at your friends house. What do you do?
  13. Body questions (1/3) How big is your butt
  14. Body Questions (2/3) How big are your breasts
  15. Body Questions (3/3) How is your face?
  16. Did you have a good time while taking this quiz?

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