What Spongebob character are you?

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This quiz will see what Spongebob character. I used all of the facts I know about these characters, so please rare this quiz. I'll appreciate it. Also, please read this next paragraph.

Please do rate this even though you may have personal answers that are one of the answers. It will help me reach to the Top 40 Quizzes. Thank you, and I hope you'll enjoy this quiz:)

Created by: Mackinzee Williams

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you lazy?
  2. Are you always happy?
  3. Do you know someone that you want to strangle?
  4. Do you LOVE nuts?
  5. Do you want something so bad, you'll do anything to get?
  6. Do you hate annoying people?
  7. Do you think you are dumb?
  8. Do you think you're smart?
  9. Do you play an instrument?
  10. Last question: Who do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: What Spongebob character am I?