what spirit animal group are you in

Do you want a hint on what is you spirit animal? Take this test! And then you should start playing spirit animals afterwards. So good luck on my test.

Okay your in. I encourage you to be very honest or your results won't be accurate at all. All you have to do is answer 12 questions. Good day and luck.

Created by: Blue Jay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you love a lot of things
  2. are you beautiful or graceful
  3. are you open minded
  4. do you have a warm smile
  5. do you like my questions
  6. pick a smile (no effect)
  7. Which results are you hoping to get
  8. why are you taking this test
  9. pick a greeting
  10. did you like this test?

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Quiz topic: What spirit animal group am I in