What spanking do you deserve?

Someone is in trouble! Maybe you are here awaiting your punishment, or here just for fun, I wish you haven’t been too bad! This quiz does not contain any mouth soaping, in case you might be wondering!

Please note that I am not responsible for any damage that may be caused by this quiz. Without further ado, let’s dive into this quiz: what determines your punishment!

Created by: Maria
  1. How old are you?
  2. What did you do?
  3. Will you do this again?
  4. Are you sorry?
  5. What shade should your bottom be, according to your spanker?
  6. What severity do you think you deserve?
  7. Are you naughty usually?
  8. Are you being punished for more than one thing?
  9. Lastly, are you ready?
  10. Just press a number, don’t have enough questions!

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Quiz topic: What spanking do I deserve?

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