What sort of rider you are

this is a funny quiz to see if YOU are a very smart be happy with your self if you get over 50% if you get lower than that try to retake the quiz and see what you get next

So you're not smart? Who cares! This is just a quiz anyhow, now get out there and study your heart out!!!!

Created by: elisakrippner
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Read all the questions before you do anything else (you will need a paper and pen for this test.)
  2. put your name at the top of the paper.
  3. rule a line across the paper.
  4. Draw a big square next to your name
  5. Stand up and say "I am almoast finished I am so smart"
  6. .count how many full stops I have used in All of the questions includeing the questions coming up. write the number in the left hand side the couner of your page(any couner.)and select it in the boxes.
  7. flip your paper over to the back and write a big H on it
  8. Ok im telling you now if you havent said none of the above once yet you have done it wrong. p.s You cant change any of the questions
  9. well done you have nearly finished this fnny quiz answeer any random answeer and do what it says no changeing it.
  10. do you hate your friends sometimes
  11. now you have read all the paper do number 1,2 and 4 and find out your answeer.

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