what sonic girl would date

We all love sonic the hedgehog but have you ever wondered which girl you would date In the series.take tho quiz and wonder no more and see which of five totally different characters you get.

Do you like that girl who chases you like amy, that wild and confident girl like rouge,maybe the sweet and innocent girl like cream,the mysterious quiet girls like blaze or the crazy funny girls like sticks

Created by: jake

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite movie to see with a girl
  2. How do you act around girls
  3. Your idea of a good date
  4. What animal do you like the best
  5. What's more important
  6. What you buy a girl for a presnt
  7. If you could be one of these who would you pick
  8. What bugs you the most
  9. Who do you want to get
  10. Who do you like the best

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