What Sonic Character are you?

k look so ur probably looking up sonic quizzes and s--- but this one is the REAL DEAL. jk this quiz is god awful but if u want to have some fun u BETTER take ths quiz btch

Oh wow paragraph 2 now ok then so WHAT sonic character are uuuu. Pretty much all of them are god awful but take this quiz to find out. #teammario4ever

Created by: Fwoo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which sonic character do u #hate?
  2. If you could have any power, what would it be?
  3. Whats your favorite color out of the ones given? I know, so creative.
  4. If Dr. Eggs--- came and was all like "heyyyyy wanna help me kill Sonic's stupid blue ass?" what would YOU say?????
  5. Oh look the last question how exciting. What activities do u enjoy?
  6. JK this is the last question lol fooled u. Who is sonic the hedgehog?
  7. Ugh nevermind theres minimum 12 questions and this is only #9! So whats ur opinion on Big the cat?
  8. What Sonic group do u like the most?
  9. Whats ur fave sonic game?
  10. Well finally this s---ty test is over. Whose your fave Sonic couple

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Quiz topic: What Sonic Character am I?