What soda best describes you?

Do you want to know what flavor soda you are? Which one matches your personality? Well take this quiz and find out! You can be sweet, myserious, hyper, tangy, any other things!

I've put seven different results into this quiz. You might even find out you are water and not soda at all. What will you get?

Created by: Rose

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your personality best describes...
  2. Would you rather...
  3. What's your favorite color?
  4. Which smiley face?
  5. Do like like life?
  6. Do you like me? :)
  7. Do you like me? :)
  8. Omg I have like 4 more questions to ask!
  9. This quiz is stupid I know... but I seriously ran out of questions. :(
  10. 1 more question to go after this one.
  11. Ok this is the last one.

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Quiz topic: What soda best describes me? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Soft Drinks Quiz category.