What Soccer Player Are You Like? | Comments

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  • What soccer player are you like
    Your Result: Claudio Bravo 88%

    You like playing keeper. When you save a shot you make it look easy. Sometimes you do not feel like playing keeper and you stay off the field the whole match. You are becoming the best.

    84% Neymar
    82% Rooney
    76% Gerard Pique
    62% Manuel Neuer
    39% Andrea Pirlo

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  • Com que jogador de futebol voc se parece?
    Seu resultado: Manuel Neuer 84%

    Voc gosta de jogar como goleiro e timo! Voc corre muitos riscos e se diverte com seus companheiros de equipe. Voc ama seu time e espera jogar melhor do que j joga.

    77% Cludio Bravo
    72% Neymar
    55% Gerard Piqu
    51% Rooney
    11% Andrea Pirlo

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