What small pet is right for you?

Once you've decided you'd like to add a small pet to your life, choosing which one can be daunting. They're all so cute and each has their pros and cons.

That's why Critterdex is here to help! Answer the questions as truthfully as possible and this quiz will give you a suggestion based on which pet seems to best suit you.

Created by: Critterdex
  1. How much money are you willing to spend annually on your pet?
  2. How long do you want your pet to live for? Or for how many years are you willing to care for your pet?
  3. How much space can you provide for your pet?
  4. Do you care what your pet's tail looks like?
  5. What size would you like your pet to be?
  6. Would you be willing to buy two pets instead of just one so your pet isn't lonely?
  7. When do you want your pet to be awake?
  8. How much experience do you have with animals?
  9. Do you want your pet to have fur?
  10. Would you like to be able to cuddle with your pet?
  11. How much attention are you willing to give your pet daily?
  12. Will there be young kids frequently interacting with your pet?
  13. Does noise bother you?
  14. Would you be bothered by having to frequently clean your pet's cage (frequently being more than once a week)?
  15. Ferrets in particular are known for often having a strong, musky odor. Would you be okay with that?

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