What sister are you?

Okay. So you are about to take this quiz. In this quiz, you will learn what sister you are. If you want to know what sister you are, then proceed to read the next paragraph.

Okay. So I am writing a story. It is mainly about three families who have magical powers. One of the families have seven daughters. This quiz will tell you which one of those seven daughters you are.

Created by: Louise
  1. What is your favorite color of these? (Yes, you KNOW I had to ask this. Bwa ha ha.)
  2. What is your LEAST favorite color of these?
  3. What is CLOSEST to your skin color?
  4. What is CLOSEST to your eye color?
  5. What is CLOSEST to your hair color?
  6. Do you like Jojo bows?
  7. If someone farted in the middle of a car ride, what would you do?
  8. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? (If you are married, select no.)
  9. Who of these famous females do you like best?
  10. What is your favorite science of these?
  11. Choose a creature:
  12. Choose magical powers to have:
  13. Choose an instrument to play:
  14. Do you like TikTok?
  15. Do you consider yourself sophisticated?
  16. What position are you among your siblings? (If you are an only child, select what you would want to be.)
  17. On a 1 to 10, how popular are/were you in school? (If you are in school, select what you are currently. If you are not in school, click what you were most recently.)
  18. Can you do the Renegade?
  19. What is your opinion on romance?

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Quiz topic: What sister am I?
