What side would you take in the American Revolution?

Take this quiz to find out which side you would be on in the American Revolution. You do not need to know anything about the American Revolution to do this, but you do need to live in the United States.

Almost every answer choice has the word "Duh" in it, with an exclamation point after it. I am only saying this because I could not think of anything else to write, and I need to write this. Duh!

Created by: Ameliaka Hadlaka
  1. Do you know what the American Revolution is?
  2. Is the American Revolution cool?
  3. Being fair-sided is...
  4. When someone is trying to take control of you, you...
  5. What qualities make the best leader?
  6. Spying at school is...
  7. Do you consider yourself a good leader?
  8. Who make the best authors
  9. Ask me a question.
  10. Independence is...

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