What shugo chara charecter are you most like (GIRLS)

Created by: Yasmin of Amuchan1
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's your favorite color
  2. people say you are
  3. your real self is
  4. One of your gaurdian names
  5. one of you charecter transformations
  6. Your sign
  7. okay i'm board so other questions ( wont mess up your score) Amuto Tadamu Kutau Rimahiko or yaya and kahari
  8. Do you like Rikka (1-6 six like one hate)
  9. oUT OF THEESE SHUGO CHARA EPISODE WITCH ONE IS YOUR FAVORITE (sorry caps lock and i don't wan to earase)
  10. Last stupid questionYou can call a chaecter in my shugo chara group ( this will add points on some) (I'm Amu sorry

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Quiz topic: What shugo chara charecter am I most like (GIRLS)