What show describes your life

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So what t.v show describes u best. i hope if u didn't like my past 2 quizzes (what culture should u be from and what should your job be) you like this one.

So are you Simpsons, chuck, jeopardy, or the office. take this quiz and find your funny answers you'll get. i was the office.

Created by: Julia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. pick a card
  2. Do you have fears?
  3. pick one (chose careful it counts)
  4. Do you like someone you aren't dating
  5. are u usually happy?
  6. pick one
  7. whats your fav color (of the listed)
  8. do you want to get married? (if you are don't answer)
  9. which is your favorite color (yes just like #9)
  10. was my quiz boring?

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Quiz topic: What show describes my life