What should your YouTube name be?

Hello hello, how are you? i'm fine but today your going to fine out the best youtube name for yourself if you already have a youtube channel please do share it in the comments i would love to see how many youtubers there are out there ^-^

soooooooooo are you ready to see what i think the best youtube name is for you and rember idk if these are already names but i doupt it. but still you can use the name you get and rember to rate, share , and comment!

Created by: lonerwolf
  1. If you had a youtube channel what videos would you make?
  2. Would you put music in your videos?
  3. What do you like to do?
  4. what would you use to make videos?
  5. Are you funny?
  6. Are you funny?
  7. would you thrive in YouTube?
  8. fave colour?
  9. would people sub to you?
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: What should Ir YouTube name be?