What should your name really be?

Everyone has a name there's Sally, Tina, Sarah, Emma, Hannah, Aubrey... whatever, the point is everyone has a name! Some like there name others don't.

YOU HAVE A NAME I'M SURE, BUT WHAT SHOULD YOUR NAME REALLY BE???????? Take this quiz and in a few minutes and after a few questions you will see what you really should have been named!!!

Created by: emma :D

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color hair do you have?
  2. Is your hair greasy?
  3. What color eyes do you have?
  4. Are you popular?
  5. Are you fat?
  6. Do you have freckles?
  7. Which of these names do you like the best?
  8. Do people ever call you weird?
  9. Do a lot of boys like you or do you have a boyfriend?
  10. Last Question ready to know what your name should be?

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Quiz topic: What should Ir name really be?