What Should Your Name Be? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Should Your Name Be?
Your Result: Brooke 90%
You're a Brooke. Smart, Focused and Successful. You have a caring soul and care for others. Your'e very opinionated and sometimes think you know it all. You do have a wild side but rarely let it show.
My name is not Brooke, but I know a girl named Brooke and I think what this says fits her quiet well. I think my name fits me better, and I personally like it better, though. But Brooke is okay because it makes me think of my friend.
Your Result: Gwen
You're a Gwen. Sexy, Spontanious and wild. Care free and living life like theres no tomarrow. You love life and like to have fun. Theres no limits for you!
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