what should your hair color be

what is your true hair color is it Blonde is it Brunette are you a red head or have black hair find out in this quiz it will say your personality and be pretty close. come on and try it!!!

are you a Blonde, Brunette, red head or have black hair find out in your personality quiz results make sure to read it carefully to recognize how you are .

Created by: k
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you think you are mean
  2. are you funny or serious
  3. are you luvable
  4. do you like animals
  5. do you like having sex
  6. stuffies?
  7. you see someone lose their car keys you:
  8. which hair color do you like
  9. one direction or JB (justin bieber)
  10. do u like to sing

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Quiz topic: What should Ir hair color be