What Should You Be When You Grow Up?

They're are many people with these big ideas that constantly feed their brain and they are completely idiotic ideas. But, now, if you pass this quiz, you can be a wide variety of things.

Just take the quiz and hurry up. Gosh, you are so slow. TAKE THE QUIZ ALREADY, DANG IT! Good Lord, what is with you? Can't you click on answers? Well, you poor poor idiot. I mean... uh... heheh....

Created by: Nathan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color is your hair?
  2. Your singing voice is...
  3. You're writing skills are...
  4. Do guys like you?
  5. Do girls like you?
  6. *Fill in the blank* Out of the available choices, I like to wear ___________ out of all.
  7. Are you pretty?
  8. Have you ever had a BoyFriend / GirlFriend?
  9. What, of all things, would you want to be?
  10. I am...
  11. I am also...
  12. What I like most about myself is...
  13. This Quiz...

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Quiz topic: What should I Be When You Grow Up?